March 10, 2025

FIA President Visits Slovenia

 FIA President Visits Slovenia

Ljubljana, predsedniska palaca. Srecanje predsednice republike Natase Pirc Musar s predsednikom Mednarodne avtomobilisticne organizacije (FIA) Mohammedom Ben Sulayemom.

Ljubljana, 12 May

Productive meetings in Ljubljana with Slovenian Prime Minister Robert Golob, President Nataša Pirc Musar and the Mayor of Ljubljana Zoran Janković to discuss a range of topics including the future of motor sport and mobility in the Republic of Slovenia and the FIA’s online abuse campaign.

5* 13.00 predsednik vlade Robert Golob bo sprejel predsednika Mednarodne avtomobilistične zveze Mohammeda Ben Sulayema. Osrednji temi pogovorov bosta boj proti sovražnemu govoru v športu in priložnosti za razvoj avtomobilističnega športa v Sloveniji. (fototermin na začetku srečanja); Vila Podrožnik, LJUBLJANA Foto: Nebojša Tejić/STA

The meetings were in support of Auto Sport Federation of Slovenia – AŠ 2005.

Discussions also took place with Avto-Moto Zveza Slovenije. Talks centred on growing motor sport participation, possibly also by looking into a launch of a multi-purpose circuit complex.

The country is also at the forefront of component design and manufacture for the EV industry and aims to contribute to a multi-fuel energy future and provide safe, sustainable and affordable mobility.

Ljubljana, predsedniska palaca. Srecanje predsednice republike Natase Pirc Musar s predsednikom Mednarodne avtomobilisticne organizacije (FIA) Mohammedom Ben Sulayemom.