This will Mark an Evolution in The Decentralized Anime Industry
Dubai, UAE, 6th July 2022: Zenogakki is the first decentralized anime franchise, an original anime IP native to web3. It is a Brainchild of the Founder, Saif Yousuf who always had this vision and is now accompanied by an extremely capable core team comprising of Co-Founder & CMO, Rizvi Azeem; Co-Founder & Community Officer, Nibras. J; Admin & Social Strategy, Shayan.V and Core Artist Kunal Phenomenon & Laurel Pursuit.
The first decentralized anime franchise aims to bring an evolution in the anime industry by rewarding creators/staff working on the IP with incentives as long as the IP lives through its financial structure. This will open a larger scope of job growth opportunities and motivate creative professionals to further pursue their talents as a career.
With close to 2 million dollars spent pre-mint and being evaluated at $25m, Zenogakki has been backed by global investors. The anime assets have been in pre-production for months and the animation studio, Toneplus, has worked on One Piece Film Gold, Pokemon; the movie – Attack on Titan, and many more.
Zenogakki Manga has entered production for one full volume of manga with 2 chapters already out along with the rest underway. Brandon Chen, the scriptwriter, comes with a portfolio of 6 MILLION plus readers worldwide. Senior Voice Director, Neil Kaplan, is the English voice actor for Madara Uchiha, Optimus Prime along with several others. He is now the voice actor of Karth, who is Zenogakki’s main villain.
In addition, viewers not only get to support their favorite shows but also earn on the platform depending on the watch hours they spend on a show. They receive the native token in exchange for their time.
Once Zenogakki as an IP takes off, all of this exposure and traction will then convert onto the W2E platform, to expand its distribution channels and globally scale the platform. Thus, the way it is consumed and produced, this filmmaking art comes to life with web3 tools and as Zenogakki as the incubators.