Rebecca Treston Lays Out the Dos and Don’ts for an Effective Laser Treatment
Laser treatments are quickly becoming the standard go-to and most effective way to truly achieve the skin glow one dreams of. However, when it comes to laser treatments many jump on the bandwagon without giving it much thought and with little to no prior expert consultation.
Rebecca Treston is Dubai’s go-to skincare expert in laser procedures and treatments that treat various skin problems such as acne scarring, fine lines, wrinkles, sunspots, loose skin, and even tattoos. She holds pre-treatment sessions with her clients where she outlines what treatment will work best and what precautionary measures should be taken for before-and-after care.
The following are some of the important dos and don’ts that Rebecca recommends:
- Avoid makeup -Theskin must be clean and free of makeup, deodorant, sunscreen lotions, and tanning products before the procedure, as the presence of them can increase the likelihood of adverse reactions from the laser. The same precaution applies to post-treatment care as the skin is delicate and can react adversely.
- Avoid heat – Care should be taken to protect the skin from heat sources like hot water and direct sunlight as these can cause inflammations and burning sensations. Prolonged sun exposure should be avoided for a minimum of four weeks before and after treatment.
- Avoid scented lotions and exfoliant creams – Serums and Retin-A, glycolic/salicylic and alpha-hydroxy acids, acne creams or gels, Clarisonic brushes, and aggressive scrubbing should be avoided.
- Avoid shaving or the use of exfoliators
- Avoid swimming pools and spas – Swimming pools have chemicals added in that should be avoided.
- Avoid activities that cause excessive perspiration – Stay cool to avoid hyperpigmentation.
- Gentle cleansing is the way to go – Use cold or lukewarm water to wash the face, and only use oil-based creams as cleansers.
- Avoid rubbing or scratching the treated area -The treatment can result in redness of the skin and increased sensitivity. Avoid touching the area and allow your skin to heal naturally.
- Stay hydrated – Regularly moisturise and keep skin hydrated with aloe vera gel and lightweight moisturisers. Drink plenty of water.
Rebecca Treston is based in Hortman Clinics, SZR Dubai. To book a consultation and/or treatment, please call 04 566 2615. For more information about Rebecca Treston, follow her page on Instagram and Facebook – @rebeccatreston.