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Itanhaem, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 22, 2018. Soldiers from the Military Police patrol the downtown beach in their quads, in Itanhaem, south coast of Sao Paulo
The initiative is spearheaded by Embratur and the Ministry of Tourism.
Dubai, United Arab Emirates, February 24, 2022: Embratur — Brazil’s Tourist Board — and the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism, with the support of the Federal government, have recently launched the “Safe Tourism Program”. The initiative aims to develop actions and public policies to improve the security of tourists during their stay in Brazil.
To create the program, Embratur and the Ministry of Tourism met throughout 2021, to develop proposals that, when implemented, ensure the safety of both domestic and foreign tourists.
The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of health and safety, especially when it comes to travelling and tourism. Tourist security is critical as it involves issues related to mobility, public safety, consumer relations, protecting childhood, human rights, gender equality, accessible information, the physical integrity of agents, quality food, and many others.

Considering all these points, 59 actions were created, which aim to contribute to the positioning of Brazil as a safe destination. The areas of action include public safety, consumer relations in tourism, tourist transport, civil defence, health surveillance and positive communication.
“We are implementing a thoroughly thought-out program that has a clear objective, to improve tourism security in our country. We want to give travellers the confidence to visit our country knowing that we are doing everything we can to give them a once in a lifetime experience.
The Federal Government has prioritised tourist safety, and this program is sure to positively impact the already rapidly growing tourism sector,” says the Minister of Tourism, Gilson Machado.
“We know more and more UAE tourists are considering visiting Brazil. This initiative intends to make sure that tourists vacationing in our beautiful country do so with peace of mind that they are safe and secure,” says Carlos Brito, President of Embratur.
One of the actions included in the tourism safety program is the mapping of specialized police stations — this aims to help make police services more visible and accessible to tourists, should they need to report any instances. This will ensure foreign visitors in Brazil have clear knowledge about what to do should an incident occur.
Another point within the action plan is the creation of disaster alert mechanisms that communicate with tourists easily and quickly. In addition, the program outlines the Brazilian Code of Conduct, which defines the laws and regulations surrounding the use of drugs and narcotics in tourist hotspots and instructs tourist service providers to adopt a strict repudiation of the sexual exploitation of children and adolescents.